Thursday, May 19, 2011

Put the sand back in your hour glass...

Put the sand back in your hour glass...
Welcome! I am delighted you have stopped by to find the fountain of youth through nature. I hold the fundamental belief: age is inevitable, aging is not.
We all wish to stay young forever or remain young at heart while we grow older. As science improves we learn that the body needs proper nutrition, fruits and vegetables, to stay healthy longer. In my opinion the whole country is in a crisis of obesity, we are all overweight but nutritionally starved. We all lead very fast paced lives and either skip meals or grab something "fast food" on the fly with tons of calories and little, if any real nutritional value (one of my friends eats 2 vegetables every day... if you count french fries and ketchup) and if you really think about it how many servings of fruit do you eat? How many servings of vegetables?
I am here to have fun and offer articles and products for good health, no great health, concentrating on nature's super foods that will help our immune system, fight free radicals and oxidative stress and provide excellent weight management (who doesn't want to be skinny???). Great health is my passion and I will hopefully encourage people to understand what they eat is so profoundly important to good health and a youthful longevity.... and maintain a proper weight their doctor would be proud of.
So wish no longer, together we will achieve great health, nutritionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially.

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